Difference between Achievement Tests, Diagnostic Tests and Prognostic (Aptitude ) Tests


Difference between Aptitude and Achievement tests:

ª Achievement tests are conducted after a period of training or instruction in a field whereas aptitude tests are conducted without providing any such training or instruction.

ª Achievement tests furnish the standard or criterion against which the predictive effectiveness of aptitude tests can be judged.

ª Aptitude and achievement tests differ in their purposes and not often in content. Aptitude tests measure present capacity to predict future achievement, whereas achievement tests are interested in the present level of performance only.

ª Aptitude tests unlike achievement tests take into account the direction and intensity of individuals interests also.

v Difference between Achievement test and Diagnostic test:


Achievement Tests

Diagnostic Tests


Measures the level of performance of students on the proficiency attained in learning in a specific subject or content areas

Attempts mainly to find the content areas which the students find difficult to learn


As different content areas and skills are tested, the range of subject content tested is wide.

As the content area, which students find difficult to learn alone or tested, the range of content tested is less.


As questions are asked from different content areas. The range of difficulty level of items is wide from easy to very difficult

In a diagnostic test to test each concept or learning skill, many items are formed and clustered as a group called Subtest. Through Subtest only, students learning difficulties are identified. All the test items are simple and easy


Time for completing the test is well defined

No time limit set for completing the test.


Test items are not arranged according to the sequence of content areas found in the syllabus.

As the concept in every lesson are arranged in order. Test items developed around them get sequentially arranged as per the order of content areas in the syllabus.


Student’s response is scored to measure the proficiency in learning

Only errors committed by students are taken into account so as to assess the nature and level of difficulty faced in learning the particular content


Used to grade pupil or promote them to next grade

Following diagnostic test remedial teaching will be undertaken


Comes under summative evaluation

Comes under formative evaluation

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