Role of Assessment As learning,For learning and Of Learning


What Is Assessment?

Assessment can be defined as a “process

of gathering data to better understand the

strengths and weaknesses of student


It plays an important role in the process of learning and motivation

Table Of Content:

What Is Assessment?

Role Of Assessment In Learning

Assessment As Learning

Role Of Teacher In Assessment As Learning

Assessment For Learning

Role Of Teacher In Assessment For Learning

Assessment Of Learning

Role Of Teacher In Assessment Of Learning

Comparative Analysis

Role of Assessment in Learning:

Assessment plays three kinds of roles in

learning. They are

  • Assessment as Learning
  • Assessment for Learning
  • Assessment of Learning

Assessment as learning:

  • Assessment as learning, develops in students the knowledge and skills required to adapt themselves to the learning situation and bring improvements in their learning.
  • Students are given the opportunity to assess themselves and even their colleagues during class (peer assessment, self-assessment)
  • Helps students understand their own learning, their points of strength and weakness in order to work on them (self-assessment).
  • On knowing strength and weakness students become metacognitive.
  • It Encourages students to take responsibility for their own learning.
  • It Involves teachers and students creating learning goals to encourage growth and development. 

Role of Teacher in assessment as learning:

In assessment as learning the teacher serves as a guide to the students.

Teachers can adopt the following classroom practices in practicing assessment as learning.

  • Model and teach the skills of self assessment.
  • Discuss with the students the learning outcomes of each content area in the curriculum.
  • Provide examples and models of good practice and quality work that reflect curriculum outcomes.
  • Work with the students and develop the criteria for various tasks that are to be completed on the skills that need to be learned.
  • Guide students in setting their own goals.
  • Providing regular feedback to students as they learn.
  • Helping them to monitor their own learning.
  • Create an environment where it is safe for students to take chances.

Assessment for learning is the process of improving and enhancing students learning. It is undertaken throughout the period of teaching, helping both student and the teacher to know the progress and shortcomings in the student learning by providing continuous feedback. It includes both diagnostic and formative assessment.

  • Reflects a view of learning in which assessment helps students learn better, rather than achieve a better mark
  • Involves formal and informal assessment activities as part of learning and to inform the planning of future learning
  • Includes clear goals for the learning activity
  • Provides effective feedback that motivates the learner and can lead to improvement
  • Reflects a belief that all students can improve
  • Encourages self-assessment and peer assessment as part of the regular classroom routines
  • Involves teachers, students and parents reflecting on evidence
  • Is inclusive of all learners

Teachers role in assessment for learning:

  • Teacher's interaction with the students during the entire period of teaching 
  • Identifying the particular learning needs of students and learning deficiency of backward students from the feedback obtained from the assessment.
  • Selecting and adopting materials and resources that help to improve students learning.
  • Developing differentiated teaching strategies and learning opportunities for helping backward students in learning 
  • Providing immediate feedback and direction to the students to improve their learning.
  • Aligning instruction to suit the needs of students

Assessment of learning:

Often referred as summative assessment. Assessment of learning assist the teachers in using evidence of student's learning to assess achievement against outcomes and standards. 

The effectiveness of assessment of learning for grading or ranking purpose depends on the validity, reliability and weighting placed on any one task. Its effectiveness as an opportunity for learning depends on the nature and quality of the feedback.

  • Is used to plan future learning goals and pathways for students
  • Provides evidence of achievement to the wider community, including parents, educators, the students themselves and outside groups
  • Provides a transparent interpretation across all audiences.

Role of teacher in assessment of learning

  • Reporting the level of learning achievement of students to parents and making it public. 
  • Assessing students learning achievement in relation to the expected learning outcome.
  • Providing a rationale for undertaking a particular assessment of learning.
  • Making use of different kinds of test item and techniques in assessment of student learning.
  • Interpreting and grading students learning achievement in relation to the acceptable level of learning achievement.
  • Adopting transparent approaches in interpreting students marks.
  • Being ready with strategies for resolution in the event of disagreement regarding students learning achievement.

Comparative Analysis 

Bases For Analysis

Assessment As Learning

Assessment For Learning

Assessment Of Learning

Purpose of assessment

Provide opportunity for student to monitor and critically reflect on learning

To enable teachers to determine next steps in advancing student learning

To certify or inform student’s proficiency in relation to curriculum learning outcomes

What are assessed?

Strategies or challenges used by students to adjust or advance his learning

Each student’s progress and learning needs in relation to the curricular outcomes

The extent to which student can apply the key concepts, knowledge, skills & attitudes to curricular outcome

Assessing Methods

Range of methods in different modes that elicit student’s, learning and metacognitive processes

Range of methods in different modes that make student’s skills and understanding visible

Range of methods in different modes that assess both product and process

Ensuring Quality of Assessment

Accuracy and consistency of student’s self reflection…

Engagement of student in considering & challenging his thinking…

Students record their own learning

Accuracy & consistency of observations & interpretations of student learning

Clear, detailed learning expectations

Accurate, detailed notes for descriptive feedback to each student

Accuracy & consistency& fairness of judgment based on high quality information

Clear, detailed learning expectations

Fair and accurate summative reporting

Using the information obtained from assessment

Provide accurate descriptive feedback to develop independent learning habits….

Makes student focus on tasks that are to be learnt….

Provide ideas for rethinking….

Provide conditions for alternative discussing….

Provide accurate descriptive feedback for further learning…..

Differentiate instruction by continually checking where each student is, in relation to the curricular outcomes…

Provide descriptive feedback to parents about student’s learning and ideas for lending support  to learning

Indicate each student’s level of learning…

Provide the foundation for grading students on the basis of their learning proficiency and decide who are all promoted….

Report fair, accurate and detailed information that can be used to decide the next step in learning

Types of Assessment

Formative, promotes self learning

Formative and diagnostic; helps the teacher to find the learning needs of students and modifying his teaching accordingly

Summative; it is highly useful for parents, teachers and educational administrators

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